This unique new patient magnet targets people who work close to your office. This will help you find patients who don’t want to fight traffic to visit your practice early in the morning, late at night or on weekends!
Reach At Work™ is a Service unique to AIM Dental Marketing®, and is the culmination of years of research into identifying and targeting employees who value the convenience in having their dentist close to where they work.
The Mailer’s unique design successfully finds its way past the company ‘gatekeeper’ to the employee with a compelling invitation to visit your office.
Upon request, we will incorporate your graphics, logo, and photography to further customize your mailer, and ensure its consistency with your other marketing and communications media, ALL AT NO ADDITIONAL COST.
Your Reach At Work™ Service will help fill ‘non-prime time’ holes in your schedule, and lead to a steady inflow of high-quality new patients, who will refer their colleagues!
Take AIM with your marketing today! Call 800-723-6523 or complete the form below to receive our acclaimed white paper, 7 Steps to Implementing a Successful Direct Mail Strategy.