AIM Dental Marketing

May Call Analysis and Recommendations

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Please listen to, then evaluate, the call using the distinctions presented in The TAFI Introduction™ before proceeding to our Evaluation. The main benefit of Call Of The Month is to ‘Flex your self-coaching muscle.’

» Listen to May’s Call of The Month


» Call Analysis and Recommendations

In listening to this call I was reminded of a title I sometimes use to introduce my telephone skills mastery coaching clinics:

Welcome or Do Not Disturb?

While the Team Member’s greeting was pleasant and cheerful, that, regrettably, was its high point.

Callers for whom English is not their first language can indeed pose a communication challenge.  Fortunately, use of The TAFI Introduction™, along with Active Listening Technique, are more than up to the challenge.

Of more fundamental concern here is that the Team Member seems to have quickly ‘sized up’ the Caller as one who did not represent a fit for the practice.  This is clearly evident by the Caller and Team Member dialogue.  For example:

Caller: “Do you pull out teeth that are damaged?”

Team Member: (after requiring Caller to repeat himself) “Okay are you a patient here?”
[What is the purpose of this question?] then “Excuse me?” [He was not the easiest person to understand and Active Listening does take some time and training].

Caller: “My wife has teeth that keep breaking.  Pieces are coming off for some time she needs to have [it] pulled out.”

Team Member: “We don’t… we refer out to an oral surgeon.”

Caller: [understandably confused] “You don’t pull out teeth?”

Team Member: “We do but..”
[At this point the Team Member begins to search for ways to discourage the Caller from becoming a patient of the practice.] It seems that, even if an oral surgeon is necessary, the practice indeed has one who comes in to the office.  The Team Member next  attempts to discourage the Caller from setting an appointment e.g. “You must set that up way ahead of time.” and “Do you have dental insurance? and finally “We are not in network… you need to call someone on the back of your card to receive full benefits.”

We’ve all heard the admonition to “Never judge a book by its cover.”  We hope you heed this warning.  Your practice, your patient, and you will only benefit when you do.

Daniel BobrowMay Call Analysis and Recommendations