AIM Dental Marketing

December Call Analysis and Recommendations

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Please listen to, then evaluate, the call using the distinctions presented in The TAFI Introduction™ before proceeding to our Evaluation. The main benefit of Call Of The Month is to ‘Flex your self-coaching muscle.’

» Click here to listen to December’s call

Call Analysis and Recommendations

This month we take a listen in on a TAFI practice’s outgoing message, aka voicemail.

What we most like about this OGM is its length or rather, lack thereof. It is a mere 20 seconds long yet covers almost everything required. People appreciate brevity and convenience, and here’s one way this practice demonstrates its commitment to serving its patients.

The message is clear and concise: vocal inflection and pacing are also present.
While this is an example of an ‘open office OGM’ meaning it is heard by those calling the office during office hours and assumes that any messages left will be responded to promptly e.g., within an hour, it would not be appropriate for those calling after hours. For such messages, it is important to emphasize the concern the practice has for any caller with an emergent need by clearly stating the procedure for connecting with the practice in the case of an emergency.


Daniel BobrowDecember Call Analysis and Recommendations