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Ms. Vander Stoep and AIM Dental Marketing’s president Danny Bobrow first met as fellow founding members of the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH) in 2010. Since then, they have maintained a close relationship.
Vander Stoep is an hygienist, author, and oral facial myofunctional therapist, and is passionate about helping the public understand the connections between oral and overall health. She knows that professionals are looking for simple ways to explain these connections, which is why she authored the book Mouth Matters.
He book began to gain popularity following an interviews by Dr. Joseph Mercola. Even Whole Foods now carries her book.
She’s been profiled in RDH Magazine and other trade publications.
Her other passions include air abrasion, ozone in dentistry, bio-mimetic dental techniques, and the role that oral posture and breathing have on facial and airway development.
Carol took us back to basics with respect to the mouth’s role in inflamation and nutrition.
She focused on aspects of nutrition and how what we eat damages blood vessel walls i.e. how we eat can contribute to heart disease. Simply put, breathing and eating properly are major determinants of ones health.
“We’re fed by an industry which pays no attention to health, and a health care system, that pays no no attention to food.” Which is ironic because Hippocrates said over two thousand years ago “Let food be thy medicine.”
Processed foods were discussed and how they are detrimental to our health. She compared non organic with organic goods, and emphasized that age and transportation have deleterious affects on foods nutritional value.
As an example, most broccoli consumed in the U.S. is grown in CA. After shipment it has little nutrient value. GMO foods are grown to thrive when sprayed with Round Up. But the active ingredient is a glycosate, which inhibits chelation of essential minerals to keep the plant (and us) alive.
Nutrient valuers on labels are also deceiving. They can legally state those values before the food is processed and shipped. Consumption of sugars also adversely affects chelation of minerals
The presentation ran for about an hour.