AIM Dental Marketing

April Call Analysis and Recommendations

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Please listen to, then evaluate, the call using the distinctions presented in The TAFI Introduction™ before proceeding to our Evaluation. The main benefit of Call Of The Month is to ‘Flex your self-coaching muscle.’

» Listen to April’s Call of The Month


» Call Analysis and Recommendations

There is no question that this caller presented a number of challenges.  At the same time, a prospective patient who so clearly states what is important to him can be one of the easiest people to convert to a first appointment, and long time patient.

The first question asked by the Team Member was “Do you have insurance?” TAFI Masters know this is best asked as a qualifying question only after it has been determined that the practice can help the patient, that is, during the (final) appointment scheduling phase of the call.

The Caller had also to contend with background noise and music, which underscores the value and importance of a sound dampening cordless headset solution. AIM Dental Marketing® can help with this.

Use of The TAFI Introduction™ would have placed the Team Member in a far better position to manage the call, and schedule a firm appointment.

As usual, the key to connecting with any caller, especially one who seems bent on steering the direction of the call, is to subtly, but effectively, assume control and management of the conversation (as the expert, you owe it to the caller to guide them to the decision, which is best for them)!  This is done by establishing rapport, conveying empathy, exuding enthusiasm, and employing effective listening technique to completely understand what is important to the caller, then explaining the process the practice and Team employ to meet, or exceed, the new patient’s expectations of caring, quality, and value.

Words and phrases such as “we don’t do that”, “you must”, and “we can’t” are not part of an effective initial (or any!) patient conversation. Words such as ‘concerned,’ ‘proud,’ and ‘conservative’ go a long way toward allaying a callers concerns about ‘price and pain.’   Were the Team Member to have worked these phrases into her communication with this caller, the outcome would have likely been far different.


Daniel BobrowApril Call Analysis and Recommendations