AIM Dental Marketing

April Call Analysis and Recommendations

April’14 Call Evaluation

Please listen to the call, and then read our Evaluation.

» Click here to listen to April’s call


Call Analysis and Recommendations

As all aspiring TAFI Masters know, we typically focus on how first-time telephone callers are being handled by Team Members because these are the callers with whom you’ve yet to have an established relationship based on trust and familiarity and can, therefore, be the most challenging ones with which to make a solid connection.

The song New York famously shares that “If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere.” It’s the same idea with first-time callers. Once you’ve mastered connecting with these callers, doing so with others is a snap.

One way (in addition to telephone skills mastery) in which we help dental practices grow is by sharing ways to grow their Professional Referral Network. This month’s call is to a specialist’s office from someone confirming the appointment for her employer. While not a prospective patient, they are a current or prospective referral source.

Rather than share our Evaluation, I simply ask you to answer the following questions:

How well did you feel the Team Member connected emotionally, that is, how well did she:

  • established rapport
  • convey empathy
  • exude enthusiasm?

What might she have done differently?

If you were the caller (team member of another dental office) and you had a choice of people to whom to refer, how comfortable would you be introducing your valued patients to this office?

Every contact with a current or prospective patient, or addition to your Professional Referral Network represents a potential Moment of Power. Our practices prosper when each of us does all we can to capitalize on and amplify these Moments.

Daniel BobrowApril Call Analysis and Recommendations