AIM Dental Marketing

December Call Analysis and Recommendations

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Please listen to, then evaluate, the call using the distinctions presented in The TAFI Introduction™before proceeding to our Evaluation. The main benefit of Call Of The Month is to ‘Flex your self-coaching muscle.’

» Listen to December’s Call of The Month


» Call Analysis and Recommendations

Through excellent adherence to The TAFI Introduction™, the Team Member effectively and successfully connected with the Caller by establishing rapport, conveying empathy, and exuding enthusiasm.

The only real suggestion for improvement would be that, instead of asking the Caller when they’d like to come in (because this opens you up to ‘disappointing’ the Caller) ask instead:

“Do you have a particular day in mind,

or do you prefer first available?”

That way, the Caller is still being given the opportunity to state his/her preference without ‘painting yourself into a corner’ in the event you cannot accommodate him/her.

The other observation has more to do with capacity (in the case of this practice, their hygiene department was temporarily short-staffed). Not being able to schedule a new patient within a reasonable time frame can limit practice growth. Of course, you cannot accommodate everyone’s schedule. At a minimum, the Team Member should advise that “…in the event, a patient reschedules their appointment, I’ll be happy to place you on our Waiting List.” That way, the prospective patient provides their contact information (which may also be used to, e.g., enroll him/her in the practice’s email ‘drip marketing’ program – of course, and only, with the Caller’s permission).

Daniel BobrowDecember Call Analysis and Recommendations