AIM Dental Marketing

January Call Analysis and Recommendations

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January ’14 Call Evaluation

Degree of Call Difficulty (1-10 scale with 1 easiest and 10 most difficult) – 2

Please listen to the call, and then read our Evaluation.

» Click here to listen to January’s call


The Greeting

ACTUAL: “Thank you for calling PRACTICE NAME. This is TEAM MEMBER’S NAME”
TAFI INTRODUCTION: Ideally, the Greeting includes the Practice’s Tagline, as well as a request of “How may I help you?” with an enthusiastic and sincere inflection.

Caller: “I’d like to make an appointment.”
ACTUAL: Okay. Have we seen you here before?”
Notes: Reasonable inflection. The question, however, is premature, as this is a Qualifying Question that should not be asked until the Team Member has effectively ‘connected’ with the Caller.
TAFI INTRODUCTION: I can help you with that. My name is TEAM EMEMBER’S NAME. With whom am I speaking?

Caller: No it would be for a new patient.
ACTUAL: Oh, okay, all right………..And is it for a cleaning?
TAFI INTRODUCTION: Wonderful – Are you in any discomfort presently USE CALLER’S NAME?

Caller: No. His tooth hurts, he says.
ACTUAL: Okay. And is there any insurance?
Caller: Yes
ACTUAL: Okay. And who is the insurance through?
Caller: Blue Cross

TAFI INTRODUCTION: I’m so sorry to hear that. Let’s see what we can do to get your brother in just as soon as possible. Do you have your schedule handy?

ACTUAL: Okay. Okay.

General Comments

Question 4 of the TAFI INTRODUCTION. Who may we thank for referring you to us?
This was not asked. Savvy TAFI Masters know that this question showed confidence in the quality of one’s Offering.

Question 5 of the TAFI INTRODUCTION Would you mind if I place you on hold for just a moment, so I can get to my desk, and give you my undivided attention?
While probably unnecessary with this call, TAFI Masters rely upon this to ‘break state’ that is, give caller and Team Member the chance to relax and begin the conversation anew, which is a great way to increase the appointment scheduling percentage. Employing this technique requires the existence of a professionally produced, and regularly updated, on hold message.

Daniel BobrowJanuary Call Analysis and Recommendations