AIM Dental Marketing

September Call Analysis and Recommendations

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Click here to listen to September’s call

Call Analysis and Recommendations
The Team Member was pleasant when answering the phone and used TAFI protocol by stating her name and saying, “May I help you”. The Caller asked if they accepted a certain kind of insurance and the Team Member’s response could have been a little more welcoming. The Team Member offered to set an appointment and asked if it was for a cleaning and exam or was there something bothering the caller, which, is important to ask to better assist the patient and part of TAFI. The Team Member showed concern for the Caller by trying to schedule the appointment as soon as possible. The Team Member asked how the Caller found out about the office. This could have been rephrased to say “Who can we thank for referring you to our office”, which is part of TAFI and implies that the office receives referrals often.

The Team Member was able to set the appointment for the next day and asked the caller if she knew where they were located and to visit the website and complete the new patient paperwork.

Overall, the Team Member was successful in scheduling the appointment with the caller. However, there was a missed opportunity for The Team Member to completely connect with caller. The Team Member should have offered her name once more at the end of call and conveyed concern for the pain she was in and that if it became unbearable to call her back and let her know. Part of TAFI is to leave the Caller with a warm, enthusiastic and lasting first impression.

Daniel BobrowSeptember Call Analysis and Recommendations