AIM Dental Marketing

July Call Analysis and Recommendations

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Please listen to, then evaluate, the call using the distinctions presented in The TAFI Introduction™ before proceeding to our Evaluation. The main benefit of Call Of The Month is to ‘Flex your self-coaching muscle.’

» Listen to July’s Call of The Month


» Call Analysis and Recommendations

Remember to put the ‘co’
In Communication

The Team Member clearly understood, and enthusiastically conveyed, the value of the practice’s Teeth Whitening Offer. You could almost hear her ‘wind up and pitch.’ It’s great to have an understanding of, and enthusiasm for, any offer the practice is making.

What we’d like to hear more is adherence to The TAFI Introduction™, which would have permitted the Team Member to connect emotionally with the Caller early on in the conversation, as well as gain control of the call.

While the Team Member was able to schedule an appointment, it was clearly not a ‘solid’ appointment. The need for the Caller to wait for her appointment longer than she wished, a legitimate drawback, could have been minimized if the Team Member had made a stronger emotional connection with the Caller. Ways to achieve this include:

  • Getting and using the Caller’s Name early and often in the conversation
  • Allowing the Caller to express herself without being ‘talked over.’ It’s important to remember that silence can be every bit as important in effective communication as is talking
  • Gaining control of the call by respectfully asking the right questions in the right way at the right time.
  • Recognizing that communication involves an exchange of information, as opposed to a monologue presentation. The same information, when imparted as a series of mutually respectful exchanges, almost always leads to a greater emotional connection than does listening to one person speak for most of the call in a nearly unbroken monologue.
  • Modifying the ‘scheduling question’ to “Is there is a best date or time, or would you prefer first available?

As noted above, part of successful sales is diminishing drawbacks by ‘accentuating the positive.’ In this case, the Team Member could elaborate further on how the Caller’s patience will be rewarded “It’s worth the wait!” as well as by offering to place the Caller on a waitlist in the event another patient should need to reschedule his/her appointment.

Daniel BobrowJuly Call Analysis and Recommendations